TPMA: Through Partner Marketing Automation

Maximizing Partner Engagement with TPMA: Through Partner Marketing Automation TPMA (Through Partner Marketing Automation) is a powerful tool that enables vendors to engage their customers through their channel partners with a consistent brand experience. TPMA includes...

PRM: Partner Relationship Management

PRM is a combination of the software, processes, and strategies companies use to streamline business processes and support the activities required to manage the entire life cycle of channel partners. It typically includes a partner portal, partner database, and other...

MDF: Market Development Funds

Market development funds are used in indirect sales channels whereby a vendor makes funds available to help channel partners, resellers, VARs, or distributors sell its products and create local awareness. The funds are issued to partners in advance of sales and are...

JMF: Joint Marketing Funds

Joint Marketing Funds (JMF) are programs designed to support joint activities between a vendor and its channel partners. JMF programs are intended to provide certified partners with the funds to support a range of proactive, revenue-generating activities such as...