by Stewart Townsend | Feb, 2019 | Articles, B2B SaaS
Think about it, what would you do if you had no financial worries? You’d probably travel the world, right? Well it is more than possible for you to do that, and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to make it all happen.
by Stewart Townsend | Feb, 2019 | Articles, B2B SaaS
If you want to be as successful as you can be in your business, then you need to learn how to develop strategic partnerships with other businesses. A strategic partner really can provide you with all of the capital you need to leverage your brand, not to mention that they can also significantly help you with your exposure too.
by Stewart Townsend | Feb, 2019 | Articles, B2B SaaS
On paper, becoming a channel partner really is a dream job. You get to travel to a huge range of destinations, and you can also host parties as well. After all, what could be easier than dealing with other people who are passionate about your products? How hard can it be to really promote to this fan base and keep them happy/motivated?
by Stewart Townsend | Dec, 2018 | Articles, B2B SaaS
Business intelligence providers are continually trying to find clearer pathways to success. They are doing this by trying to reduce decision-based risks. What’s really required here is data. Vendors need to try and develop programs that make information a somewhat exchangeable currency.
by Stewart Townsend | Dec, 2018 | Articles, B2B SaaS
Five years ago, vendors were asked what percentage of their revenues were being driven by their partners. They did this so that they could better understand their contribution to a vendor’s growth. One-third of respondents stated that 50% of their revenue was being driven by partners, which is one of the key elements that affect a partner’s experience with the people they work with. 75% of respondents indicated that they expect their partner-driven revenue to increase next year. This is great news as it really does speak to how important partners are to a vendor’s own revenue stream.
by Stewart Townsend | Nov, 2018 | Articles, B2B SaaS
Cloud services really do need applications that are able to deliver value. Independent software vendors are always trying to leverage cloud providers to try and bring any one channel to market.