If you want to better engage your channel partners or if you want to boost loyalty then you don’t need to ask them what they want or even what they need. If you are the manufacturer or the distributor, you will already have the insight you need to ensure that your partners are successful.
Create a Forum for Leadership
The first thing that you need to do is try and create a leadership forum. This needs to be done both offline and online, as it gives you the chance to collaborate your partners with one another. It also gives them the chance to learn from the unique ecosystem that you have.
Reward them for Activities that Don’t Generate Revenue
This might not make much sense when you think about it, but at the end of the day, it can work wonders for your channel. If you know that the partners who have the most training tend to sell more and don’t require as much maintenance then make sure that you reward those who choose to undergo training. If you know that X number of demos translates to an increase of Y in your overall sales picture then reward your team every time they achieve a demo goal.
Share Competitive Advantages
Don’t just give an award to the person who is able to generate the most revenue. You need to also make sure that you announce that the partner has the most certified engineers when compared to any other VAR as well. It would also be helpful to say that they have engaged the sales team for demonstrations more than anyone else. To start with, they will appreciate the honor but at the same time, they will also get other channel partners motivated. It will make them explore the ways that they can become a better leader themselves and this can work in your favor. When they do take action, pat them on the back and put them on a pedestal. This will motivate everyone and it will make it much easier for you to drive a positive change.
Don’t Set Any Goals for your Partners
This may sound strange, but you also need to make sure that you don’t set any goals for the partners who you work with. Don’t tell them about their new goals for 25% of the year. Tell them how much they are valued and also how you intend to help them grow their own business too. When you have done this, you can then give them the chance to set their own goals. If you take this approach, you will soon find that they have much more ambition than you ever thought.
Give them time out.
When you notice that your channel partners have been able to achieve their goal, you then need to take them and their partner on a group trip. You ask them to meet a goal and they worked hard all year to make it happen. Now is the time for you to put your money where your mouth is so that you can reward them for a good job. Don’t give them discounts, MDF or rebates. These don’t count as they are already part of your partner contract. Be a human and appeal to them in a way that most people wouldn’t.
At the end of the day, group incentive trips can easily stretch to thousands per person. That being said, there is no better use for your funds. If your channel partners are able to hit the goals that they have set then the extra money that you get from the sales will pay for the trip in its entirety. Enjoy a Manhattan cocktail with your finest partner and see how much they appreciate your offering. They’ll also be able to mingle with people from upper management, which will in turn, help you with loyalty and recognition. It doesn’t get better than that.